With the increase in screen time, how can teachers help students to be motivated and focused?

The word ‘Screen time’ has always been a matter of concern for parents and teachers from schools all over India and especially from international schools in Mumbai. However, as a parent and a facilitator, my approach is always looking at this situation in a positive way. I believe that everything around us can be viewed in a balanced/ manageable approach. The choice is ours!

We facilitators always thrive our best to help and guide our learners, we can help them here too! Simple examples like the way we insist on healthy eating habits at home and at schools, we can surely motivate our children to use technology the healthy way. Schools all around and teachers from international schools in Mumbai can have achievable goals for students and help the students keep their motivations high once they reach home. We, facilitators, are role models for our learners and we can share our happy experiences of what we do once we reach home and could make the students realize how important it is to spend more time with friends or family and why. Teachers from international schools in Mumbai can collaborate with not only their students but also students from various schools and ask the learners to create strategies to meet those objectives. This way they will be able to realize how time can be spent in a more productive way. Teachers from all international schools could help each other with their ‘Success Mantra’ and share what worked best with their children to keep their motivation high with minimum use of technology.

Activities in classes that require focus and thinking can be done with minimum use of screen time. Subjects that build research skills could be planned by the teachers in a way where students would only be allowed to use screen time for 10 minutes. Students instead could be given a list of books, magazines, newspapers, and other resources that are easily available in the school library for their research. They could also be given the option of gaining access to books and other reliable resources that are easily available at home. This method could work for many subjects. For those subjects that do require the involvement of technology, the facilitators could plan activities in a way where the involvement of students using screen time does not exceed more than 20 - 25 minutes especially for Middle school, and 30-35 minutes for Senior school in a day. Teachers from international school could also give the freedom to the students to plan activities, create a rubric that would require the least use of technology, and could yet be a fun-based project where learning is visible. Co-curricular activities could include fun exercises like the 20-20-20 exercise that would help keep the eyes healthy. Soft music during Yoga classes that would help relax their minds. Yet another simple but a powerful approach could be collaborating with teachers of international schools, students/alumni, and parents who could come together and help review the use of screen time on a regular basis. Schools could have a ‘Screen Free Day’ in a week that could be a part of the Time Table where students, teachers, and all other employees are free to keep the screen time at bay. Guest lectures involving, the power and benefits of reducing the screen time and how it could keep your mind and body healthy could be an initiative by the teachers to create more awareness among the children.

Every initiative requires reinforcement and rewards. The reinforcement of minimum screen time should be one of the main goals of all International schools, right from the Pre-Primary years to the Secondary years. It should be a practice not only for the students but all the stakeholders in the school. I believe it would eventually lead to a healthy habit.

Reinforcements and Incentives could be a regular practice and the facilitators could think of great ways to appreciate the students in their own way. Simple things like appreciating grades during assemblies for following no screen time or minimal screen time, class parties to celebrate the learner’s dedication to this cause, articles in the school magazine or even newspapers by parents, students, and teachers about the successful ways that have helped them achieve the goals of minimum screen time and maximum productive time could be an added advantage.

I believe in this powerful quote “Reduce your screen time to increase your productivity time” and I strive to put in my best to achieve this! The choice is ours!

Also read-

5 Tips to help Students Stay Focused and Motivated.

Digital Learning: 7 Ways to keep oneself Productive and Focused


Puja Aiyer

Puja Aiyer

Global Dimensions and History Teacher - International Curriculum


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